This is a list of the acceptable Accelerated Reading books shown on the Marathon Middle/High School website. These "Non-fiction" books are for 9th grade youngsters.
By the way, since the AR List is so long, I had to break it into a separate list for each grade and "Type" of book. Adventure stories are together, history stories are together, mysteries are together, & so on.
I originally tried to make it quick and easy for you to request a book, but I discovered that the blogging software can’t handle all those tables and/or hyperlinks. Blogger kept saying that there’s an error because the page size is too great for Blogger to handle. Oh well, no more hyperlinks directly to every book. Sorry about that.
Instead, if you use Firefox as your browser, you can:
* Open a separate Tab for Marathon Library’s web site
* Highlight the title you’d like from this list
* Paste it into the library’s “Search Title” box
If the Monroe County Libraries have that title, you’ll be able to Request it by clicking on the "My Account" tab at the Library's web site, and entering your card number from the back of your card.
So, get your library card ready (you’ll need your card number to request books) & decide which books you want to have sent to you.
Don’t forget to pick out the proper library when you get to the "Request Confirmation" screen. If you come here to get your books, you’ll want to make sure it says the "Pick Up Location" is "Marathon Library".
Remember, when the book shows up at our library, we’ll call you at home & tell you it arrived. Be sure we have your correct telephone number so we can get in touch with you. If you want to, you can call us at 743-5156 to make sure we have your correct phone number in our computer. Otherwise, how we call you when your book comes?
Oh, and if you don’t already have a Monroe County library card, don’t worry. Look over in the right-hand column of this page, under the “Links” heading for Parent's Permission Slip for a child's library card at Marathon Library. Print the form, fill it out, and return it to us the next time you come to the Marathon Library, and we’ll give you a card. Then you can order all the books you want.
Pick out a bunch of books, start reading, and ENJOY!!
AR List 2006, 9th grade “Non-fiction” books
Aaseng, Nathan
* Poisonous creatures
Adamson, Joy
* Born free
Adler, David
* We remember the Holocaust
Anthony, Suzanne
* Haiti
Barghusen, Joan
* Bald eagle
Barghusen, Laura
* Bear
Barnett, Jeanie
* Ghana
Bender, Evelyn
* Brazil
Blumenthal, Karen
* Six Days in October: Stock Market Crash of 1929
Bonomi, Kathryn
* Italy
Bradley, Catherine
* End of apartheid
Broberg, Merle
* Barbados
Cabot, Meg
* Princess Lessons
* Project Princess (This seems to be Fiction!)
* Teen Idol (This seems to be Fiction!)
Cahill, Mary
* Israel
Caldwell, John
* India
Canesso, Claudia
* Cambodia
* South Africa
Canfield, Jack
* Chicken soup for the teenage soul
Carlson, Richard
* Don't sweat the small stuff for teens
* Coping with depression
Crouch, Clifford
* Cuba
Dash, Joan
* We Shall Not Be Moved: The Women's Factory Strike of 1909
Day, Nancy
* Advertising: Information of Manipulation
Docherty, J. P.
* Iraq
Dolan, Sean
* Germany
Dolan, Terrance
* Probing Deep Space
Dolce, Laura
* Australia
Donnelly, Karen
* Coping with dyslexia
Dubois, Jill
* Colombia
Dunn, John
* Enlightenment
DuTemple, Lesley
* Seals and sea lions
Dwyer, Christopher
* Chile
Feinberg, Barbara
* Black Tuesday
* Constitutional amendments
* Electing the president
* Term limits for Congress?
Gallant, Roy
* When the sun dies
Gaskins, Pearl
* What Are You? Voice of Mixed-Race Young People
Glenn, Mel
* Taking of Room 114
* Who Killed Mr. Chippendale?
Graham, Robin Lee
* Dove
Graves, Bonnie
* Bulimia
Haskins, Jim
* One More River to Cross
Hawk, Tony
* Between Boardslides and Burnout
Haynes, Tricia
* Colombia
* Guatemala
* Honduras
Hoose, Phillip M.
* The race to save the Lord God Bird
Judson, Karen
* Genetic engineering
Kennedy, Gregory
* Apollo to the moon
* First men in space
Koertge, Ronald
* Brimstone journals
Law, Kevin
* Canada
Lester, Julius
* To be a slave
Levine, Ellen
* Darkness over Denmark
Levine, Stuart
* Elephant
* Tiger
Liebowitz, Sol
* Argentina
Lindop, Edmund
* Political parties
Lord, Walter
* A Night to remember
Lyle, Garry
* Hong Kong
* Indonesia
* Iran
Macy, Sue
* Winning ways
McCulla, Patricia
* Bahamas
McGowen, Tom
* Adventures in archaeology
Moe, Barbara
* Coping as a survivor of a violent crime
Mowat, Farley
* Never cry wolf
Murphy, Jim
* Great fire
Nelson, Peter
* Left for Dead
Paulsen, Gary
* Woodsong
Philbrick, Nathaniel
* Revenge of the whale: the true story of the Whaleship Essex
Pomeray, J. P.
* Ireland
Popescu, Julian
* Russia
Presnall, Judith Janda
* Giant Panda
Price-Groff, Claire
* Manatee
Rady, Martyn
* Collapse of communism in Eastern Europe
Rebman, Renee
* Prohibition( World History)
Ross, Stewart
* Arab-Israeli conflict
* Great Depression
* Rise of Japan and the Pacific Rim
* World War I
* World War II
Rummel, Jack
* Mexico
Sandak, Cass
* Congressional committees
* Lobbying
* National debt
Sanders, Renfield
* El Salvador
Sayre, April
* Endangered birds of North America
Schimmel, Karen
* Bolivia
Seth, Ronald
* Netherlands
Shepheard, Patricia
* South Korea
Sherrow, Victoria
* Censorship in schools
* Endangered mammals of North America
Shillington, Kevin
* Independence in Africa
* AIDS: An all-about guide for young adults
Simpson, Carolyn
* Coping with teenage motherhood
Sonder, Ben
* Evolutionism and creationism
Sookram, Brian
* France
Stefoff, Rebecca
* China
* Japan
Stewart, Melissa
* Life Without Light
Stwertka, Albert
* World of atoms and quarks
Taylor, Theodore
* Air-raid Pearl Harbor
Uchida, Yoshika
* Desert exile: the uprooting of a Japanese-American family
Vogt, Gregory
* Solar system: facts and exploration
Weber, Michael
* African American civil rights movement
Wee, Jessie
* Philippines
* Taiwan
Wells, Stefanie
* Coping with the Beauty Myth: A Guide for Real Girls
Wilkerson, David
* Cross and the Switchblade
Wilkins, Frances
* Egypt
* Jamaica
Winslow, Zachery
* Puerto Rico
Woog, Adam
* Whale
Wright, David
* Vietnam War
Yeager, Chuck
* Quest for Mach One: A First-Person Account of
Zeinert, Karen
* Cults
Zickgraf, Ralph
* Norway
* Sweden